Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

My mom is a terrific cook. I know I have mentioned that before on my blog and Thanksgiving meals are no exception. She and Daniel (& the rest of us) cooked a fabulous dinner. She made a Southwest Turkey and all the fixins'. Dan is becoming a great cook, too. In one photo of her I caught her in the middle of cooking and moving around the kitchen... a "cooking action shot" if you will. Later on, Brandon and I were goofing around outside for some fun(ny) photos. Yes, Anna, you have "pro-staus" skills with the camera. :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Juliann's Holiday Photo Session

Julianne is so adorable! She is almost 10 months old and so active and expressive. Her mom is a fabulous photographer and a friend of mine; so naturally, I am very honored to be her photographer when she is in the photos. Gina also asked me to shoot her maternity photos and Julianne's newborn photos at 6 weeks old. It was such a fun shoot this morning, but as you can tell it really made Julianne tired by the end!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Family Christmas Card Photo Session

There are six people in my family: my parents (Steve & Carol), my older brother (Sean), my younger sister (Anna), and my younger brother (Daniel). Every year around Thanksgiving we take a family photo. Since I am the official photographer of the family I set up my camera on a tripod, adjust the camera settings, and put it on timer to take our photo. We took our photo last week and it was another funny experience! The first photo is my favorite that we are using for our Christmas card... and the rest are some others that I like... Enjoy!

Sean & Melissa

Brandon & Me



Mom & Dad

Did I mention that we were also celebrating mine and Sean's birthdays? My Mom makes such a wonderful carrot cake... and she thought she was being funny with the re-lighting candles. Funny, Mom, Funny!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Goodbye Darkroom... Hello Digital!

When I first got into photography I developed everything on the black and white darkroom. I loved it! It was so enjoyable to be in the silence of the darkroom, swish the tray back and forth, and watch the paper in the developer tray slowly reveal the image I had worked so hard to perfect. I loved the darkroom so much that I set up a make-shift darkroom at my parents' house in the extra bathroom. It has been a long time since I have lived at my parents and I don't have the room to set up a darkroom where I live now. Since my last time in the darkroom I was introduced to my first digital SLR camera. I was a "digital skeptic" and thought that film was the only true artistic form of photography. After using my Canon 20D for only a short time, I fell in love. I always want to shoot digital. I decided that if I ever want to print in the darkroom again I will use a lab at the local photography school. I am saying goodbye to all of my darkroom equipment, taking it out of storage, and selling it. This post is a tribute to how good my darkroom treated me and all of the great photos I developed with this set-up. Thank you! ;)